Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Final Thoughts on Cross Cultural Communication

As so another semester zooms past and it's time to mug for the exams again. Learning about the diverse ways in which people interact has been enlightening. I especially enjoyed the lecture on cultural components - how spoken/written discourse can in fact reveal deeper underlying norms and values about the society (whether it's masculine or feminine, whether it exercises high or low power distance and so forth). Group discussions were fruitful, we all got to bounce ideas off each other and have a good laugh at each others amusing linguistic encounters. My final project of analyzing the linguistic structure behind sociological abstracts was..daunting in the initial stages. The linguistic jargon got a bit confusing at times, and having to identify the various "moves" and "authorial stance" was rather tedious. Luckily we managed to pull through and I thought we did just fine, so yay Huey Li! Haha I have a newfound respect for linguists. It really does require researchers to be ultra meticulous in sifting out patterns behind discourse material.

And so it's also time for goodbyes. Thank you Dr Deng for being so patient with us each week and for trying to make the lectures as enjoyable as possible for us:)Twas a refreshing experience and I've definitely gained from it all. To my other classmates, it was a pleasure knowing you all, good luck for your upcoming papers and see you around:)

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